Wednesday, February 21, 2007



So I am not sure how many of you know this but I am terrified of seeing a ghost. It is almost a phobia. I can't watch scary movies because I am left with the images from the movie burned into my brain. While I am alone in the morning drying my hair or brushing my teeth these images will pop into my mind and I have to turn away from the mirror. I am afraid of seeing something I don't want to see. It always seems like in the movies people see things in a mirror and they turn around and they aren't there. Sometimes at night if Virlena is working in the basement and I am alone in the bedroom and I think of something scary I get paralyzed with fear. The other night Virlena made the mistake of joking with me that our bedroom is haunted. She told me that late at night, while I am sleeping, she hears a weird scratching noise coming from one of the corners in the room. When she first heard it she thought it was one of the cats but after she looked there weren't any cats in the room. That night Virlena decided to work in the basement for a bit. I was exhausted but I was too freaked out to shut my eyes. I eventually had to make her stop working on her project and come upstairs with me so I could fall asleep.

This is a delicious irony, seeing how you love Halloween! I love it!

I also have the same fear. I've never seen a ghost, but I've had haunted things happen.
I love hearing about ghost sightings or huanted things that have happened to people, but then I know I am going to pay for it later being being ramdomly terrified when one of these thoughts happens to pop into my head again.
that is interesting that you feel that way and love halloween, hmm. i've seen a ghost. 'boo' LOL. really, i have. it wasn't scary at all. some day i'll tell you about it.
you know... i have the same fear... but how's that electricity thing goin'?
The electrity thing is going okay, I am now able to leave lights on while we aren't home! Thanks for the electricty pep talk while you were in MI!!!
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