Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Mold Builder

Virlena found the liquid latex (Mold Builder) at Hobby Lobby! Yeah Virlena!!!! She is the best girlfriend a weird Halloween girl could ask for! (She made me write that!)

Monday, March 27, 2006


more about liquid latex

Ebay has liquid latex. Why didn't I think to check there in the first place?! They have exactly what I want. . .the kind specifically for masks and molds. Perfect! Now I just have wait to order it when I actually have extra money to spend on a non-ceremony realted item.

Saturday, March 25, 2006



Just in case you were wondering, Lowes does not have liquid latex, they don't really even know what it is, and they don't even know how they would go about ordering it.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Liquid Latex?

Does anyone know where to get liquid latex? I spent my lunch reading through a How-to list of Halloween props. I got some really good ideas but for one project I need liquid latex. There are internet sites you can order it from but I would rather buy it locally to save on shipping if I could find it somewhere. There was also a table idea that will put our new bones to good use. Thanks to Jen and Gretchen we have a couple of coffee tables we can play with. I also found a cheap way to make a stone wall. At least I think it will be cheap. . .we have to price it out and see how it compares to the stone wall covering I found on the internet.

Monday, March 13, 2006


Martha Stewart meets Medieval Goth

The decorating theme we are going with this year is a sort of Martha Stewart meets Medieval Gothic look. I guess a sort of creepy elegance is the goal. Every year we go for what we call the organic haunted house look. The first year everything was covered with white sheets. Last year we had a black motif which even included the food. (The black deviled eggs from last year went much faster than the red ones from the previous year. . .I would have thought it would have been the opposite.) Luckily we can reuse a lot of things we used last year since they can be easily merged with the Martha Stewart/Medieval Goth look. I was going through some books last night trying to get some decoration ideas but nothing jumped out at me. I am trying to talk Virlena into going to the Ren Fest this September to find some fun things.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Virlena is worried. . .

After I unloaded the bones and sorted them Virlena told me she is worred that we are now officially weird. I told her not to worry. On an online quiz I took I was only 40% weird. . .I am very happy with the assortment they sent. Now we just have to figure out what to do with them all!


Bags of Bones

While I was home sick from work today our bags of bones and skulls arrived! I kept wondering why the Fedex guy kept looking at me weird while he was making the delivery. When I started looking at the packaging I realized why!

Monday, March 06, 2006



I love cake and I love Halloween so I absolutely adore the cakes at this website: My favorite is the Zombie cake! I played with the idea of maybe making this cake since the creator was kind enough to include directions but truthfully I don't know if I have the patience for it! The recipe looks very involved!

Sunday, March 05, 2006


The 13th Hour

When you walk through someone's house is the first thing you think about is how you would decorate it for Halloween? I can't help but think that a couple of tombstones would look good in the corner and a bunch of spiderwebs would go nicely with the drapes. I think I come by my obsession naturally. My dad used to carve gigantic pumpkins that were bigger than I was for our front porch. He also would turn our big maple tree in our front yard in to a Halloween Tree complete with lighted jackolanterns. For some reason we had a tombstone in our back yard and he used to tell me a witch was buried there. I think that freaked out a lot of the neighborhood kids but I thought it was exciting....I love looking around the internet for new ideas. Sometimes after finding a particularly wonderful prop or menu item I want to try out I get so excited that I could literally jump up and down with joy. In February I started thinking that it was time to start planning the Halloween Party. We weren't sure if we were going to have one this year or not due to our upcoming ceremony in August. I managed to convince Virlena that we MUST have one or else my life would not be complete. She is a good sport. I don't think she quite knew what she was getting into when she met me. One of my friends recently asked me if Virlena is as in to Halloween as I am. Virlena enjoys Halloween but what she really likes is the opportunity to be creative. She has come up with some wonderful ideas for our past parties. Her artistic talent is a dream come true for me. I appreciate the fact that she allows our lives to be taken over by Halloween from August - October. If we had a bigger house and our own yard I am sure I would like to start earlier but we just don't have the room for storage for all of the props I would like to make. The downfalls of living in a condo. Virlena is already off and running with our theme for this year. She has found some great things on eBay and it in only March! I am so proud of her. I don't think she was this into it until at least June last year! For all of her enthusiasm she still does not share my obsession....I have found my people! Somehow I stumbled upon It is a message board where people even more obsessed than me talk about all things Halloween! Due to a post I read a few days ago I was able to get a huge discount on bones throught the ACC. The good people at Halloween Forum said to get the discount going on right now you have to call the ACC and tell them you are a haunter and give them the name of your haunt. Before I called I decided I would tell them the name of my "haunt" is CLUB DrEAD which is inspired by last year's party. In a few days Virlena and I will get a shipment of assorted bones and three skulls!

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