Saturday, February 24, 2007
Ghosties part II
Okay, so besides seeing a ghost I am also terrified of going into Haunted Houses. I'm not talking about old houses haunted by ghosts (that is a whole other post). I am talking about those things people go to for fun during October. I am terrified out of my mind the whole time I am in one. Actually, I can't really remember the last time I was in one. The last couple of years Ron has asked me to go with him and I feel awful telling him I won't go. What sort of Halloween freak am I when I can't even go to Haunted House. I create corpses in my basement and coffins on my back porch but I can't go through a H. H. for fun! I guess it is because I am in control of the stuff I create. I am not in control when I walk through a cramped pitch-black hallway of a Haunted House. I believe I almost tore the arm off the person the last person I went through a H. H. with.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
So I am not sure how many of you know this but I am terrified of seeing a ghost. It is almost a phobia. I can't watch scary movies because I am left with the images from the movie burned into my brain. While I am alone in the morning drying my hair or brushing my teeth these images will pop into my mind and I have to turn away from the mirror. I am afraid of seeing something I don't want to see. It always seems like in the movies people see things in a mirror and they turn around and they aren't there. Sometimes at night if Virlena is working in the basement and I am alone in the bedroom and I think of something scary I get paralyzed with fear. The other night Virlena made the mistake of joking with me that our bedroom is haunted. She told me that late at night, while I am sleeping, she hears a weird scratching noise coming from one of the corners in the room. When she first heard it she thought it was one of the cats but after she looked there weren't any cats in the room. That night Virlena decided to work in the basement for a bit. I was exhausted but I was too freaked out to shut my eyes. I eventually had to make her stop working on her project and come upstairs with me so I could fall asleep.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Halloween on Hiatus?
I miss Halloween. I miss preparing our house for the party. I miss working on projects. I miss having an excuse to drink excessive amounts of tequila. I guess I need a project to work on. My motivation for creating Halloween has been low lately. Works sucks, it is insanely cold outside, I am addicted to myspace. . .I have all sort of exscuses why I am not motivated. But I miss it. I need to get Halloween back in my blood. When I am not thinking about Halloween I feel like something is missing.
Stupid Snickers people
So how many of you the saw snickers commerical during the Superbowl? If you didn't, here is the link: Sorry. I don't know how to attach You Tube. I have to say I was very annoyed with this commerical. I love a good gay joke when it is done in a postive way but this commercial did nothing positive for the gay community. All it said to us is that Snickers thinks two men kissing is disgusting. As a gay person, that doesn't really make me want to buy their candy. I decided I had to let them know how I felt so I went to their website and sent them a comment. Stupid Snickers people.
Friday, February 02, 2007
Melinda on a soapbox
Today the American public once again told gays and lesbians that we do not deserve equal rights. I can not tell you how disappointed in our country I am. I use the word "disappointed" but truthfully I am angry. I am angry because I pay my taxes, I get up everyday and try to help the less fortunate, and I treat people the way I want to be treated. In return my fellow Americans have made it illegal for me to marry the person I love, the person that makes me a better a person, the person that motivates me to be more kind, less judgemental, more open-minded. I can not share my health benefits with this person. I have to fill out 10 times more paperwork to make sure if something happens to me she gets my insurance, inherits our house that we both pay for, and is able to keep the children we brought into this world together.
Today the Michigan Court of Appeals ruled that public universities and governments can't provide health insurance to partners of gay employees without violating the state constitution. As many of you remember in 2004 our state decided to approve a ban on gay marriage. We were told at that time this would NOT effect same-sex benefits. How did we go from it not effecting same-sex benefits to it ending same-sex benefits?
Right now I am speaking to all of you that voted yes on this ban. I don't care that you don't like my lifestyle. I don't care how you live your life. Why do you care how I live my life? It is my life. I was given the mental capacity to make my own decisions regarding my life. Why are you taking my right to make my own decisions away from me? How would you like it if I told you what to do for once? If you had to get my approval to get married? No, not just my approval, but the approval of every gay/lesbian/gay friendly American? How would you like it if I told you that you could not share your health insurance with your loved one? I am thinking you wouldn't like it very much.
Don't even try to give me any of that crap about protecting the"Institute of Marriage". I see how all of the straight folks have kept it "sacred". I see your divorce rate. I see the affairs some of you are fond of having. And don't even try to use the bestiality line on me. Same-sex relationships WILL NOT, and I repeat WILL NOT, lead to bestiality. I am sorry, but if you are honestly comparing my love of another HUMAN BEING to someone doing unspeakable things to an animal. I think you, my friend, are the one with the problem.
Our Constitution was written for a reason. Our founding fathers wanted everyone to have equal access to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". The American Heritage Dictionary defines liberty as: "The condition of being not subject to restriction or control. The right to act in a manner of one's own choosing." The gay and lesbian population of our country are not being given the same liberty as heterosexuals. That is what it all comes down to.
Okay, for all of you who believe in equal rights or try to believe in equal rights, please keep this in mind next time you vote. These unfair laws effect real people. I realize I may be preaching to the choir here but I just had to get my two cents out there.
Today the Michigan Court of Appeals ruled that public universities and governments can't provide health insurance to partners of gay employees without violating the state constitution. As many of you remember in 2004 our state decided to approve a ban on gay marriage. We were told at that time this would NOT effect same-sex benefits. How did we go from it not effecting same-sex benefits to it ending same-sex benefits?
Right now I am speaking to all of you that voted yes on this ban. I don't care that you don't like my lifestyle. I don't care how you live your life. Why do you care how I live my life? It is my life. I was given the mental capacity to make my own decisions regarding my life. Why are you taking my right to make my own decisions away from me? How would you like it if I told you what to do for once? If you had to get my approval to get married? No, not just my approval, but the approval of every gay/lesbian/gay friendly American? How would you like it if I told you that you could not share your health insurance with your loved one? I am thinking you wouldn't like it very much.
Don't even try to give me any of that crap about protecting the"Institute of Marriage". I see how all of the straight folks have kept it "sacred". I see your divorce rate. I see the affairs some of you are fond of having. And don't even try to use the bestiality line on me. Same-sex relationships WILL NOT, and I repeat WILL NOT, lead to bestiality. I am sorry, but if you are honestly comparing my love of another HUMAN BEING to someone doing unspeakable things to an animal. I think you, my friend, are the one with the problem.
Our Constitution was written for a reason. Our founding fathers wanted everyone to have equal access to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". The American Heritage Dictionary defines liberty as: "The condition of being not subject to restriction or control. The right to act in a manner of one's own choosing." The gay and lesbian population of our country are not being given the same liberty as heterosexuals. That is what it all comes down to.
Okay, for all of you who believe in equal rights or try to believe in equal rights, please keep this in mind next time you vote. These unfair laws effect real people. I realize I may be preaching to the choir here but I just had to get my two cents out there.