Wednesday, June 18, 2008


no more sick people

Hopefully we will all be doing being sick soon. V had an ear infection, I had a sinus infection and Bobo had a double ear infection and mild pneumonia. V and I finished our antibiotics and Bobo just has a few more days.

I had a training in Detroit today for investigative interviewing. I guess I needed five more hours of instruction to add to my nine years of experience from my last job. One interesting thing I learned today is that at some point I will have to work with a "sex worker" to help her establish paternity. Sounds interesting. . .

Sunday, June 15, 2008


further notes on my new job

I have been sick since the week before I started my new job. It started with allergy problems the last week of my old job. The weekend before my new job started it turned into a sinus infection. I was so sick my first two days. I think both nights I went to bed at 7:30. Every night I would come home exhausted. Not only were my first two days slightly stressful but I also walked a ton! You know how when your sick even going up the stairs will tire you out and make you sweat? Well both days I had to walk MANY MANY MANY blocks to get my new state ID. The first day the line was so long I couldn't get it before 5:00 so I had to go back a second day. People at my new job have not actually heard my real voice yet. Instead they get to listen to a very horse sounding version. Then there is the coughing. The coughing that just does not end. It is so much fun to having these hacking/gagging coughing attacks while you are surrounded by people you don't know. Well luckily I do know a few. I just keep telling everyone I a not contagious because I have been on antibiotics a few days. I have found that the people at this job are not quite so paranoid about getting sick like the people at my last job. At my last job no one EVER wanted to get sick because it was too hard to take a day off. One day off would put you behind for weeks. At this job someone actually said to me it would be okay if I was contagious because they wouldn't mind a sick day. . .I think I am going to like my new job!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008


Notes on my job

New job, new acronyms. It is weird to feel lost again and not know what anyone is talking about. After 8.5 years at Ingham County I knew every acronym there was to know. Now my head is spinning with CP, NCP, AHIS, OCS/SSU, CEU, CFU, AOP, etc. Thank goodness I already know CIMS, FIP, MA, IMHD, ICMD, etc or I would be really lost!

I heard the word "skeleton" used a few times today. They had a different meaning for the word than I do but it still made me happy.

Lunch is much more expensive downtown than on S. Cedar St.!

Gel pen are provided to us instead of cheap Bic pens!!!!! CO seems to have much better office supplies, and they are kept out in the open and not locked away and guarded.

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