Wednesday, May 14, 2008


happy things

Virlena and I spent our first mother's day as mother's relaxing at home with our little Bobo Bear. It was a very peaceful and enjoyable day. Well actually I did make a quick shopping trip with my sis-in-law to pick out an outfit for an interview. This leads me to the next happy thing; I got a new job! I will now be working downtown for the Office of Child Support. I am very happy and excited about this change!

Friday, May 02, 2008


Crypts or Outhouses?

These appeared a few weeks ago at the back of our parking lot at work. I am not quite sure what they are. They each have a padlock on them. If they are outhouses then the State is really make some budget cuts, but not very good ones if they are locked! It would make more sense if they were crypts. When workers pass away at their desks from being overworked and stressed they can hide the bodies in these locked crypts!

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