Monday, September 17, 2007


2007 Holiday Season

Hello Everyone. The Fall Season has officially started in my head. . .technically we have a few more days until Fall actually starts though. I am sad to say that we are not going to have a party this year due to Virlena's surgery but that just gives us more time to plan for next year! I planted some beautiful orange mums last weekend along with some grass to go along with our new ramp. I noticed this afternoon that the grass actually finally started to grow!!! I was just about to lose hope.

As I am sure many of you have noticed the Halloween stuff is already on the shelves. I love seeing the diplays for the first time every year. Target and Michael's are my favorite. Virlena and I stopped by Halloween USA a few days ago and picked up some pirate stuff. We almost stole a few things on accident. When we got out to the car we found some things burried in her wheel chair so I quickly went back and paid for them!

The picture is of my Dad and Karen's new puppy Munchkin. He is showing off his new Halloween shirt.

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