Friday, September 29, 2006


A Few Pictures

This is the far right edge of a project Virlena did for the basement. I don't want to post the whole thing otherwise there won't be any surprises the night of the 21st!

This is the very top of another project.

This is a better picture of Virleni's stained glass project. Instead of using one light source behind it she decided to use a bunch of little ones. We think it looks spookier this way.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


The Weekend

On Sunday we went to visit my Dad and Karen. Looking around their house I was reminded of where of my Halloween obsession came from. They have a few of their Fall/Halloween things out already. Actually, I think some of it they have out all year!

Outside they have a permanant pumpkin patch made up of cement pumkins my dad made. He made one for me too! :) Now I just have to find the perfect place for it. ( The picture of the pumpkin patch didn't turn out too well because I forgot to use a flash!)

For the last week Virlena has been working on the basement. She didn't want to do the usual black-plastic-wall-covering thing this year so she came up with some new ideas on how to our basement into a gothic lair. I have to say that I think the basement decorations this year are going to be my favorite. Every year she impresses me more and more with her creativity. We are still trying to decide what to do with the luandry room. This weekend I want to get the vault doors painted.

Monday, September 18, 2006


Projects in Progress

Last week Jen came over again we worked on more vault doors while Virlena worked on another stained glass window. The last couple of weeks I have been wanting to stain the corpse I made this Spring but it has been so rainy and I wanted to leave it outside a bit to dry.

This weekend we rearranged the storage unit. We put all of our camping gear in the back with the Halloween stuff we aren't going to use this year and we moved up to the front all of the stuff we do plan to use. I am guessing we will go and collect it all in the next few weeks. We are hoping to get a few more projects done in the basement before we start hauling stuff down there.

We have now checked out the Halloween stuff at Target, Big Lots, Halloween USA, Meijer, Michael's, Joanne's, Great Party, and Menard's. So far Target and Mendard's have been my favorite. Has anyone seen anything good at any other places this year? We have managed to do fairly well and not spend too much money. Over the weekend I only purchasesd one tombstone and a cemetary sign at Menard's and they were both fairly cheap. There is this huge giant hanging rubber bat/creature thing that I would love to have. I think it is about 3 feet long. . .I couldn't find a price though and I was feeling cheap. I knew it would be more than I wanted to pay.

Sunday, September 10, 2006


Quoth the raven, "Nevermore"

On the way home from camping this weekend (It only rained a tiny bit the whole weekend!) we came across a rebroadcast of a Prarie Home Companion Halloween broadcast. While Garrison Keeler was reading Edgar Allen Poe's "The Raven" I just happened to look out the car window to see a hearse driving by with a skull in the back window. As we drove past it there was a little demon in a cage in the side window. How fun is that!!!!?????!!!!! This guy is awesome!

Friday, September 08, 2006


Special Delivery

Yeah for cheap things from the Oriental Trading company! Lots of little black spiders arrived today!

No projects this weekend. We are off to camp in the rain!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Weekend Projects

I managed to fit in a little Halloween shopping and a few projects in between all of our plans this weekend. I went back to Big Lots and I finally found the spider skeleton thing I had read about on the Halloween Forum. I also decided to get the bat that is hanging upside down. I thought it would look good on the lamp post outside. As you can see Gary and Zoey were very intrigued by the spider skeleton thing!

Virlena got a fantastic idea to make a stained glass window for the basement/crypt. She wanted something that would cover the computer area. She found a picture she liked and drew it out all out then cut out all of the pieces. The next day we cut out pieces of vellum for the colors. For some reason we couldn't find green vellum so we ended up using green tissue paper for the snake. We were both really happy with how it turned out. It is very beautiful in a dark basement. Virlena wants to fix the black piece above the upper teeth. I think it looks fine though.

On Monday Jen came over to help us make some vault doors for themausoleumm. I was upstairs attaching the stained glass window to it's frame when I heard Jen and Virlena in the basement talking about possible ideas for a torture chamber. It was music to my ears! So far we have six six vault doors for the mausoleum. They look sort of funny right now since they aren't painted. Virlena made the top middle and the bottom right. Jen made the top left and the top right. I made the bottom left and middle vaults.

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